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Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 44 of the Hunting Season - November 19th, 2010

Day 44 of the Hunting Season - November 19th, 2010

Meet: Wiles

Temps: in the 40's

Couples: 12 Couples

MFH- James Paxson, Staff - Priscilla Godsoe, Fred Von C, Field Master - Gary Kennedy, Hound Trucks - Karen Kennedy, Leo and Flora Erb

Start: 9:00am
End: 11:isham

It was good to get back at Wiles for the first time this season. To me, hunting at Wiles was like listening to an old song you loved on the radio. You remember the tune, and pretty much remember all the words and how everything usually plays out. The only 'set back' if you want to call it that right now, is that we know where the trails are to get around at Wiles, they just aren't as clear as they could be along the bottom section.. however.. its a perfect foxy dwelling.

We started off from the meet towards the woods to the right of the meet and the hounds dropped into the woods and over the creek towards the Produce Farm. Two foxes came out of the woods and we decided to run the fox that headed away from the road.

The fox ran across the cornfield back to the area around meet and then went toward the wheat field.. from here we went toward the Ram and the hounds worked a line slowly along the bottom until the hounds must have slipped up closer to the fox because the hounds let loose!

They ran from the Ram towards the Saw Mill and the Chicken Farm. MFH Jimmy, Fred, Gary, and Al all viewed the fox at this point. The fox ran back into the big brier patch toward the bank at Wiles and across the pipe at School House Rd, and made this loop bigger, and smaller, and then bigger again. Hounds ran hard for a good hour and a half until we decided as the hit a miss, we should probably head in and save them for hunting tomorrow at Red Pump.

It was a day full of great hound work, and a most enjoyable fox!

We will meet Saturday at RED PUMP at 10:00am

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